Both Kathy and Dan told me they cannot find a balance with work and life! Clearly they lack trust in their "managers" so much, they micro manage to the point they cannot enjoy life.

Really though, as stated on the others pages within this blog, the manager positions should not be called manager positions, they are really just supervisory jobs, with no actual decsion authority.

Nonetheless, I was told that the goal is to maximize the business and reverse of all the losses and bad business aspects and SELL SELL SELL. THEY WANT OUT!!! 

Of course, knowing this prior to accepting the position, I certainly wondered where this new job might end up, after any such sale. So much for job security, but it wasn't a factor for me since I was just taking the job as a hobby, for the fun.

If and when they do put the Cafe (that is not really a bakery) on the market, any smart interested buyer would want to see the TRUE financials for the last several years. And if any potential buyer reads this BLOG, he will learn how much Dan exaggerates. I would look deep into the books for potential fraud, or hiding of facts, before I would make an offer to buy Cafe Columbia.

Better yet, do what the prior bakery manager (Rebecca Watkins) did, go start your own Cafe/Coffee/Baked Goods restaurant, around the corner, The "LA VIE EN - COFFEE BAR AND BAKERY".